Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Balance of State Training and Quarterly Meeting: May 13th and May 14th

Balance of State Training Day: May 13th 

Ryan will share his understanding of the psychology of voluntary compliance, tools for de-escalation, & how underlying trauma affects life

About this Event

Content and Schedule Information:

Please make sure to register the email address of the person that will be attending the training.  The ZOOM training link will ONLY be sent to emails used to register for the event. This email will be sent on May 10th to the registered email.

This day long training takes place on ZOOM and covers 4 areas:

1) A deep understanding of individuals experiencing homelessness, utilizing research on trauma and communication styles etc. that helps staff understand those they serve.

2) How punishment works and why it doesn’t work very well with chronically homeless individuals.

3) Psychology of voluntary compliance: What does the research tell us about how to get people to voluntarily comply with rules (without using punishment).

4) Tools: This ties the other three areas together to give very practical skills for conflict de-escalation.

The online training will have an AM and a PM session.

8:00 am – 12 noon

There will be a break for lunch-12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

The trainings will resume at 1:00 pm for two one-hour trainings on:

1) How to manage frontline staff who deal with problematic behavior

2) How to deal with non-homeless people being jerks about homeless people

Cost is $75.00 for members and $125.00 for non-members of the Balance of State

Balance of State Quarterly Meeting: May 14th

Follow the link for details on how to register for the BoS training and Quarterly Meeting 

National Symposium to End Youth Homelessness


Our 5th Annual National Symposium on Solutions to End Youth Homelessness will bring together 1,000+ service providers, researchers, policymakers, funders, young people, and advocates from across spaces to build a virtual community of people who are committed to creating a world in which young people can thrive. Secure your login to join us on Tuesday, June 15th, and Wednesday, June 16th.


We are pleased to announce that our 5th National Symposium on Solutions to End Youth Homelessness is now HUD-approved! Project administrative funds awarded under the CoC and Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Programs may, therefore, be used to attend the Conference. 



Sliding Scale Registration

Our registration tiers this year reflect a sliding scale, a tool for establishing economic justice. In this registration pricing system, everyone ultimately pays a similar percentage of their individual or organizational income to attend the Symposium. This scale is about recognizing the privileges and resources that make paid events disproportionately more accessible for groups with higher operating budgets and for individuals with greater wealth.


We hope that this sliding scale facilitates increased access to our virtual events and serves as an invitation for our community to both think and speak deeply about the societal factors that create such stark disparities in wealth and resources in the US. We trust our community to evaluate their needs accordingly. 

FCHC Youth Needs Subcommittee Brochure


Monday, April 19, 2021

Street Outreach Position available through ADVOCAP

 ADVOCAP has an opening for a Street Outreach Position.  This position will also be involved in the City of Appleton Motel Voucher Program.  Please see details and job description here.