Thursday, December 19, 2019

New Housing Report Shows Need for Affordable Housing

This is an interesting new report and research coming out of UW-Madison. Some or most of the information is probably not new to you, but

New Housing Report Shows Need for Affordable Housing
A new report done by UW Madison Professor of Urban and Regional Planning Dr. Kurt Paulsen, and released by the Wisconsin Realtors Association, says, “Wisconsin has a workforce housing shortage.” The report cites the U.S. Census from 2000-2017 saying, “The median household income in Wisconsin grew 35 percent, not adjusted for inflation, while the median house price grew 59 percent, not adjusted for inflation.” The report went on to say, “In Wisconsin, for example, rents grew 21.7 percent while incomes only grew 17.3 percent, not adjusted for inflation.”

It’s that time of the year again! The Fox Cities Housing Coalition Point in Time committee has been working hard to put together another successful event, but we need your help.

Twice a year, the Fox Cities Housing Coalition, in conjunction with homeless and housing providers across the State of Wisconsin, coordinate a local count of individuals and families experiencing homelessness in the Fox Cities called the Point in Time Count. Groups of volunteers are led by coalition staff members throughout the Fox Cities in an effort to identify persons residing on the streets, in campgrounds, under bridges and other places not meant for human habitation, in an effort to provide outreach and engagement to those in our community that are in need of housing resources.

For the past several years, the Fox Cities has seen a marked increase in individuals and families seeking homeless services, which has translated to more people sleeping in places not meant for human habitation. By assisting the coalition in conducting the count, not only are we able to better communicate the need for housing within our community, but more importantly it provides us with an opportunity to engage and connect with individuals on the streets so we can begin assisting them in transitioning into housing.

As a past volunteer, The Fox Cities Housing Coalition is reaching out to invite you participate in this winter's Point in Time Count. The count will take place on Wednesday, January 22nd and run through the early morning hours of the 23rd. We will continue with having only one shift. The shift begins at 11:30 pm, with a brief training upon arrival, and ends at 3:00 am.

If you are interested in volunteering please following the link below: 

Please connect with Betsy Borns, Project RUSH Manager, at with any questions.

Thank you so much for your time and consideration!