Monday, November 23, 2020

Important Feedback Needed from FCHC Members and Friends

As discussed at the coalition meeting last Wednesday, the Fox Cities Housing Coalition needs to formulate an Action Plan based on the Collaborative Application that was provided to the Balance of State. The Fox Cities community greatly benefits from the grant dollars that are awarded to housing agencies in the Fox Cities by the Balance of State. This Action Plan is a requirement and ties into our project applications to ensure those dollars and housing opportunities are still available to our community. The gaps/needs identified in the survey below will be used to formulate goals that the FCHC will focus on in 2021. Please take 2 minutes to complete this survey. Results will be compiled, translated onto the Action Plan, and then presented to coalition members in December. The link to the survey can be found here: 

It is pertinent that we get as much feedback on the needs and gaps in our community as possible. We also need to turn in the Action Plan in early December. Please complete the survey by November 27th to allow enough time to compile the results and transfer it to the Action Plan.

If you have any questions about the Survey or the Action Plan for the FCHC, please feel free to email Tara Prahl at

Thank you for your time and dedication!

Monday, November 9, 2020


Happy Monday!  There is still time to sign up for the upcoming Balance of State Meeting – Thursday training.  Please see below.


In this email, there are some updates, resources, a reminder about upcoming deadlines, and more.  Please make sure to share this email with your co-workers, community partners, and coalition members.


(1)    Balance of State CoC November Annual Meeting

The registration for Thursday, November 12th and Friday, November 13th is now posted on the Balance of State website.  I have attached the agenda for Thursday and Friday to this email.


Similar to August, you must register in Eventbrite for Thursday’s diversity training.  You will receive a confirmation email from Eventbrite.  It is very important that the email you use in the registration is the email of the person that will actually be attending the training.  In the confirmation email, you will receive the 2 go-to-webinar links and password necessary to sign up for the AM and PM sessions of the Thursday, November 12th training.  There is a fee for the Diversity training and it will not be recorded.


For Friday’s business meeting, you must use the go-to-webinar link to sign up prior to November 13th.  There is no fee for Friday’s meeting.


                Please make sure to register through EVENTBRITE (for Thursday) and also Go-TO Webinar for Thursday!


(2)    Deadlines

The gaps and needs surveys are due by November 15th.  The goal is for 25 surveys from clients and 25 surveys from providers for each coalition. The links are below:

·       Gaps and Needs Client Survey

·       Gap and Needs Providers Survey


I have attached the paper copies as well.


(3)    Upcoming Training Opportunities & Guidance

Because our BOS meetings will be virtual through 2021 (maybe we can hope for November in person, but who knows?!), we have been working on scheduling some additional virtual trainings to help the support you are all doing.  The first one of those will be November 24th with a focus on Fair Housing.  The webinar will not be recorded, per request of the presenter.  However, those that register will receive the PowerPoint and any other materials prior to the start of the meeting. If you have suggestions or ideas for additional trainings, please send me those ideas & potential speakers.


·       Fair Housing Training – the WI Balance of State CoC is hosting a Fair Housing Training by Megan Wanke on November 24th from 10:00 – noon.  This is a free training!


Please register for Fair Housing Training  on Nov 24, 2020 10:00 AM CST at:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Megan Wanke has worked in various roles for the Metropolitan Milwaukee Fair Housing Council (MMFHC) for over 15 years. During her tenure, Ms. Wanke has conducted intake of almost 2,000 fair housing complaints, assisted numerous MMFHC clients in successfully pursuing remedy through federal, state, and local administrative enforcement agencies, and trained over 3,000 landlords throughout Wisconsin on their responsibilities under federal, state, and local fair housing laws.

The presentation will include:

o   MMFHC’s programs and services

o   Protected classes under federal, state, and local fair housing laws

o   Prohibited practices under federal, state, and local fair housing laws

o   A special focus on disability discrimination, including reasonable accommodations like service or assistance animals

o   An overview of the remedies available to victims of illegal housing discrimination



Carrie Poser


COC Director

Wisconsin Balance of State Continuum of Care

PO Box 272

Eau Claire, WI  54702
